Defining Custom SGF Grid Flow Nodes


I needed to define some custom nodes for teh snapgrid flow graph, here are the changes i made to the Assets/CodeRespawn/DungeonArchitect/Scripts/Modules/FlowImpl/SnapGridFlow/SnapGridFlowDomains.cs file to allow for that, in case anyone else wants to do the same:

(so you basically just need to define a class that interits from FlowExecTask and has the FlowExecNodeInfo Attribute defined before it, the class name also has to start with “SGF”)

using System.Reflection;
using DungeonArchitect.Flow.Domains;
using DungeonArchitect.Flow.Exec;

namespace DungeonArchitect.Flow.Impl.SnapGridFlow
    public class SnapGridFlowLayoutGraph3DDomain : IFlowDomain
        public Type[] SupportedTasks { get; } = supportedTypes ?? FindSupportedTypes();
        public string DisplayName { get; } = "Layout Graph";
        private static readonly Type[] supportedTypes;

        private static Type[] FindSupportedTypes() =>
                .SelectMany(asm =>
                    asm.GetTypes().Where(t =>
                        // TODO: (Dom De Re) This could be simplified but it was easier to debug this way
                        if (!t.IsAbstract && typeof(FlowExecTask).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                            var x = t.IsDefined(typeof(FlowExecNodeInfoAttribute), true);
                            var y = t.Name.StartsWith("SGF");

                            return x && y;

                        return false;
                .OrderBy(t => t.GetCustomAttribute<FlowExecNodeInfoAttribute>().Weight)